Friday, May 15, 2009

Chrysler Shutdowns Leave Dealers Feeling Like ‘Piece of Meat’

Stanley Balzekas Jr. survived six months in German prison camps during World War II. His Chicago Chrysler-Jeep franchise won’t survive the automaker’s cutbacks.

Balzekas’s family has been in the business since 1919, when his father, Stanley Sr., a blacksmith from Lithuania, opened his first dealership. In the early years, Balzekas Motor Sales Inc. carriedPontiacs, Chevrolets and Studebakers. It’s been a Chrysler-only shop since 1933.

1 comment:

  1. In truth we carried Hupmobile, Nash, Willis-Knight, Studebaker, Packard, Chevrolet, in addition to Pontiac, Saab, Plymouth and most recently Chrysler and Jeep. Why has this 90-year dealer outlasted many of the brands and makes that it has sold over the years? I think our secret is that we put our customers first. The corporate entities put their own interests and agendas ahead of everything else.

    Best wishes to Chrysler. Our used car sales and service department will continue after Chrysler departs. We are your family dealership.

    Thank you for your interest. Please visit us soon!

    Stanley Balzekas III
